
friends community CLUB

“The pessimist complains about the wind. The optimist expects it to change. The leader adjusts the sails.” -John Maxwell

Collins M ACHO,

As the head of the association, provide general supervision and control over its business. I am also the voice of the executive bureau and the custodian of the constitution, and I ensure the implementation of the association's policies. Convene, preside over and make certain the smooth conduct of all General Assembly and Executive Bureau meeting sessions. Guarantee that the association's decisions and resolutions adopted at all meetings are implemented. Represent the association and its interests at all times, and serve as chairperson for all open business meetings of the association. Initiate disciplinary action against any member who violates the association’s policy. I have the authority to call a meeting of the executive bureau at any time, provided that each member is given adequate notice. Make appointments in case of vacancies, with the participation of the general assembly. Approve, in consultation with the rest of the executive bureau, all financial transactions.

Gerald Abimnwi Muchu,

As a community organization, it is crucial that we fulfill certain duties to ensure the smooth operation of our club. These duties include providing support to the President as needed, assuming the president's responsibilities temporarily in the event that they are unable to complete their duties until new elections can be held. Additionally as the Vice President, I have a shared responsibility with the President and General Organizer to oversee and manage all club projects, regardless of their size. By fulfilling these duties, I contribute in the promoting collaboration and effective leadership within our organization, ultimately benefiting all members.

Ernest Fonjie,
Secretary General

The Secretary General is responsible for vital operational duties. I manage the secretariat at all functions, accurately document the association's records, record the proceedings of all executive and general assembly meetings, and handle all correspondence efficiently. I ensure all meeting minutes are taken, consolidated, stored securely, and promptly disbursed to the appropriate parties. Additionally, I read minutes of the previous meeting at each meeting while ensuring proper adoption by the general assembly. In the absence of the president and vice-president, I preside over the association's activities. In coordination with the president and general assembly, they will oversee co-activities and friendly collaborations with organizations that have similar objectives or goals. Moreover, I assist in activities and duties delegated to them by the president or general assembly. Lastly, the Community Engagement Officer will moderate the association's communication forum, ensuring appropriate information dissemination.

David Mbah,

Ensure the proper custody of funds and assets of the association. Receive and give receipts for funds due and payable to the club from any source whatsoever. Deposit all such funds in the name of the club in designated banks or other depositories. Disburse and account for all funds of the group and its activities. Maintain and operate the bank account of the association’s financial resources. The President, the Financial Secretary, and the Treasurer shall be signatories to the association’s account. Perform other duties as assigned by the President.

Christian Alota Mofor,
Social and Cultural Coordinator

As an event planning and coordination professional, it is your responsibility to organize a variety of social and cultural events while ensuring the seamless execution of each project. This includes securing appropriate venues, managing budgets skillfully, and selecting themes that align with the organization's goals and objectives. Active community engagement is critical to these efforts; encouraging member participation, conducting surveys, and initiating outreach programs. Additionally, cultural promotion showcases diversity and traditions, which can be achieved through collaboration and networking with industry partners. Communication and marketing efforts must be carefully crafted to ensure optimal attendance at events; leveraging newsletters and social media to spark interest and engagement. Finally, you must prioritize member relations by proactively addressing concerns, gathering feedback, and building community trust. Continuous evaluation and improvement are also essential to ensure a successful event planning program, making recommendations where necessary to achieve desired outcomes.

Precily T. St Martin,
Financial Secretary

Community Engagement/Responsibilities: As the responsible party for the financial documentation of our club, I take great pride in ensuring that all our membership fees and financial transactions are thoroughly accounted for. It falls on me to create and maintain a robust accounting system that meticulously tracks our receipts and disbursements, making sure that every cent goes where it's supposed to and that all records are accurate and up to date. My role doesn't end there, however. I also keep an eagle eye on all bank and financial records, making sure that everything is well-documented and freely available for any necessary auditing. Ultimately, my goal is to provide our group with a steady and reliable financial foundation, one that we can rely on for years to come.

Tifu Y. Pontian,
Wellness Coordinator

Manage and coach the team. Be the leader for all mental health awareness and training initiatives for the club. Organize, plan and conduct the club's awareness training, as well as support the physical education and sports coordinator in all practice and training sessions for the club's youth and children. Be responsible for fitness programs for the club. Communicate with the General Assembly well ahead of time regarding comments about the match, preparation, behavior, and attire."